Washington 25, De Ce
20 June 1953, 1600 R
Annex E to CJTF SEVEN Operation Order No. 1-53

The following is a summary of continuing tasks to be accomplished by
the Army Task Group during both the CASTLE buildup phase and the onsite operational phase. The Commander, TG 7.2 will:

Continue to discharge the responsibilities of CJTF SEVEN as

ATCOM, ENIWETOK with respect to entry into the ENIWETOK/BIKINI area
and ground defense of these atolls.
be Be prepared to deploy elements of the atoll security force to
reinforce the BIKINI garrison in the event of emergencye
Ce Continue to operate all base facilities at ENIWETOK ISLAND, except those specifically allocated to CTG 7.4 and CTG 7.5, in accord-

ance with existing agreements.

de Provide communications facilities at BIKINI ATOLL as necessary to
support AEC operations at that atoll.
ee Conduct port and stevedoring operations at ENIWETOK ATOLL with
stevedoring assistance made available by CTG 7.5 in accordance with
existing agreements.

f. Take measures to prevent unauthorized entry into exclusion areas,
coordinating this activity with CTG 7.5.
ge Operate and maintain a TG 7.2 boat pool at ENIWETOK, taking cognigance of the Task Force Commanderts concept of coordinated boat pool
operations set forth in paragraph 8 of Annex Bo


During the CASTLE buildup phase, CTG 7.2 will:
a. With capabilities provided by CTG 7.3, operate a TG 7.2 boat pool
at ENIWETOK and an inter-atoll surface lift system within the forward
area. Be prepared to relinquish operational control of the interatoll surface lift system upon commencement of the operational phase,
as directed by CJTF SEVEN.

be With capabilities provided by CTG 7-4, operate an inter-island
airlift system at ENIWETOK ATOLL and BIKINI ATOLL and an inter-atoll
airlift system to support joint task force elements in the forward

area, and operate minimum airstrip facilities at BIKINI ATOLL as
necessary to support TG 7.1 and TG 7.5 operations at that atoll. Be
prepared to relinquish operational control of these activities upon
commencement of the operational phase, as directed by CJTF SEVEN.


Maintain local search and rescue capabilities within the cogni-

zance of the SAR area commander,

de Prepare to support CTG 7.1 radiation monitoring and decontamina—
tion facilities.




Select target paragraph3