Intelligence, Security and Public Information
No. 1-53

(1) All photographic equipment
(2) All equipment adaptable for use in either visual or electronic


(3) All optical equipment.
(4) All materials with explosive capabilities.
(5) All weapons.
(6) All drugs and intoxicating beverages.
Travel orders will include a statement of the articles of contraband.

c. Items of contraband will be confiscated and report of the circunstances made to CJTF SEVEN.

d. Film found in possession of unauthorized persons will be confiscated, forwarded to CTG 7.5 for processing and classification and a
report will be made to CJTF SEVEN.

12. Photography. Only official photography is authorized in the EniwetokBikini operational area, All official photography will be reviewed

by the Joint Task Force SEVEN Classification Officer for proper classification and determination of "RESTRICTED DATA". Prior to review and
final classification by the classification officer, all photography
will be given a preliminary classification. The preliminary classification will in no case be lower than SECRET-SECURITY INFORMATION for
scientific and non-technical photography and RESTRICTED-SECURITY INFORMATION for administrative photography.

13. Communications Security.

The security and monitoring of communications
will be accomplished under the direction of CJTF SEVEN.

1k. Counter-Intelligence.

The Commander, JTF SEVEN, will have operational
control of all CIC units. The Commander, TG 7.4 will have operational

control of all OSI agents whose activities will, in general, be confined to Air Force matters.
15. Security Patrols.

The Commander, TG 7.2, is responsible for conduct~

ing the necessary security patrols within ENIWETOK=-BIKINI ATOLLS.
Air and sea security patrols outside the ENIWETOK-BIKINI ATOLLS will

be the responsibility of CTG 7.3.

16. Inspections.

Inspections will be conducted upon arrival of personnel

and periodically thereafter to detect security violations and contra-

band and to insure the use of proper identification credentials and

proper safeguarding of classified matter. Individuals are responsible
for reporting security violations which come to their attention.

17. Security Violations. Task group commanders are responsible for
investigating and reporting immediately all violations of security
regulations which occur within their jurisdiction.

Rey. F-25-S3


Select target paragraph3