Operation Order

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and rescue, documentary
aircraft operations, weather service, MATS terminal operations and official observer flights.
Refer to Annex G for summary of ultimate tasks and list of Air

Force personnel, services .and equipment to be made available to the

Commander of Task Group 7e4 (CTG 7.4).

AKC Base Facilities Task Group (TG 7.5)

(1) Continue the execution of missions assigned by the Manager of
the Santa Fe Operations Office (SFOO) in accordance with current AEC

(2) Plan, construct, operate and maintain certain specific in-

stallations and facilities at ENIWETOK and BIKINI ATOLLS in accord-

ance with existing agreements with CTG 7.1 and between the AEC and

DOD (see Annex K for existing AEC-DOD agreements).

(3) Provide necessary base facilities and logistic support for
military personnel at ENIWETOK and BIKINI ATOLLS in accordance with
existing agreements.
(4) Provide necessary test facilities to meet the scientific requirements and inform CJTF SEVEN of significant developments affecting his overall mission.
See Annex H for summary of ultimate tasks.


(1) By liaison with appropriate parent agencies and commands,

task group commanders will assure the early initiation of security
clearances for participating personnel. Commanders will require all
participating personnel to undergo comprehensive indoctrination in
the responsibility of the individual toward security.

(2) All military personnel to be stationed on ENIWETOK and BIKINI

ATOLLS will, to the extent practicable, be familiarized with appro-

priate individual weapons prior to departure from the Zone of the

Interior (ZI).

(3) Commanders will assure that emphasis is placed on radiologi-

cal safety training operations (see Annex I) in tropical climate and

other matters peculiar to an operation of this nature.

(4) Commanders will require definitive planning to assure the
maximum economy of funds and economical utilization of military forces

made available for this operation.

(5) Detailed records of task group activities will be maintained.
Reports will be submitted in accordance with current joint task force
directives. Task group operation plans and orders covering the
CASTLE buildup phase will be prepared and forwarded to CJTF SEVEN.

(6) Task group commanders will keep CJTF SEVEN informed as to the

progress of task group development, requesting assistance where re-

quired in effecting agreements with participating agencies and conmmandse


Select target paragraph3