plannine*board which had been established to consider radio-

logical safety criteria as well as means of reducing local

He said that in view of the Commission discussion

at Meeting 1246, an accelerated review had been made of each
Planned shot to determine how the estimated fallout of these
shots could be reduced and that the 4,000 megacurie figure

was the result of this review.
Mr. Libby said that in accordance with Commission

discussion at Meeting 1245, he had reviewed radiation effects

He then commented on the basis of the calculations made

of the radiation doses received by individuals in the vicinity

of NTS and observed that the actual radiation doses received
by these people are probably less by a factor of two than the

measured values.

Therefore, he said he believed the 10

roentgen limit for radiological criteria was a conservative

The Commissioners d:.scussed with Mr. Graves the manner
in which radiation doses had been measured at NTS.



suggested that although the figures used at NTS are conservati
an improved and exnanded monitoring nroczram should be conducte

in the communities surrounding NTS.

He said that the new figv

would hé valuable in an examination of the fallout problem at
NTS prior to the next test series after Operation PILGRIM,
Mr. Murray then commented on the possibility of moving

some of the proposed shots such as the 60 kiloton shot, to the
Eniwetok Proving Ground.

He said that this action might

preclude any adverse public reaction which would affect the
availability of NTS for fubure tests.

Mr. Graves commented. th

the proposed 60 ktloton shotiwould be a high tower shot and “

Select target paragraph3