wm Hfow

to expect simflar values.)
Qiher issues re marine food pat hs atid uerivations inelude:


How representative is a sin le fish, the mullet, of either the
islanders' diet or of the fish and seafood population?

I would

think that other fish and t he coconut crab would need to be sampled
before stating that the dos p via marine life is insignificant.


How valid are the statement

5 (made at the meeting) that the mullet

does not wigrate, presumably either between islands or across
ocean/lagoon barriers?

If it is not a migrating fish, were the

fish obtained in those area

most likely to be fished by the



c) What is the basis for the a ssumption that the mullet is the most
direct and representative } {nk between marine contamination levels


and dose to man?

It is stated that there is some uncertainty about what fish tissue
the Marshallese actually in gest.

nent S
ao RES
= oy panes


This sounds difficult to believe

considering that we have had 30 years--more or less--to observe/study
their dict.

If nothing els@, why don't we ask them?



it is true that we really don't know, why are muscle and skin assumed?


If there is a difference of a factor of 8 in the 238py/239py ratios

in fish (mullet?) muscle in different parts of the atoll, why are
mean concentrations used an d why is 3 x 1075 used as the gut transport
factor for 238py?


On page 8 it is stated that

use of 1073 instead of 3 x 107° for

Pu-239, -240 would increase ithe cose rate from 3.2 mrad/yr (Table 5)

to 9.9 mrad/yr.

Does this " include 238pyu?

What if the

Select target paragraph3