theabove-cited Public Law, only $22,000,000 had been drawn down
by Jume 1, 1979.

An additional $10,000,000 is available to be

Srawn down for projects approved by this Department.

Of the

$22,000,000 in cash transferred to the Virgin Islands, only

$5,000,000 has been obligated, leaving $17,000,000 umsed. Only
$3,000,000 has been actually paid out for construction. The Virgin
Islands is paying interest and principal to the Federal Fi
Bank on the $22,000,000 but also receiving interest on its deposits.
The Administration recommends a three year extension, until 1982,
and we further recommend that all fimds borrowed, but not obligated
by that time, be returned to the lending institution from which they
were borrowed. Such a plan would encourage the early obligation of
funds with the benefit of meeting some of the urgent capital inprovement needs of the territory.
Section 403

Section 403 would transfer to the Virgin Islands property that was
acquired from Denmark by the United States and that was not reserved
er retained by the United States in accordance with provisions of
P.L. 93-435.
In addition, a Committee amendment to the original Administration
proposal includes parcels of land on St. Croix purchased by the
Goverrment of the Virgin Islands from the General Services Administration
(GSA), subject to a mortgage. It is our understanding that the GSA and
Virgin Islands officials discussed the matter of release of approximately

ten, of more than 230, acres mortgaged in order to construct a National
armory. The amomt Owing on the ten acres is approximately

$125,000. The outstanding balance on the 230+ acres is approximately
$2,800,000. GSA is willing to grant such a release upon payment in
full of the amumt owing on the ten acres. The committee amendment
@ppears to be an attempt to release the 230+ acres from the mortgage.

Section 403, however, mentions nothing about a release from the nortgage, and, in fact, states that the transfer of the 230+ acres would

be “subject to valid existing rights,..."(the mortgage).

The Administration recommends (1) that the substance of

403 be returned to the form in which it originally appeared
section 404 of H.R. 3756 as introd

added to
Cammittee amendment be stricken and a new section be

H.R. 3756, at the end of title IV, to read as follows:




he General Services Administration shall releas

¢fom the mortgage dated Jamuary 26, 1972, given by the Govern- _

ment of the Virgin Islands to the Administrator of the

General Services Administration, approximately ten acres
of such mortgaged land for construction of the proposed
st. Croix ammory upon payment by the Government of the
Virgin Islands of the outstanding principal due on
such ten acres.


Select target paragraph3