Section 202
Section 202 would authorize $24.4 million (indexed to October 1979

prices) for health care services in the Northern Mariana Islands.

The $24,400,000 authorization for health care facilities for 16,000

people appears to us to be excessive when compared with health care
facility costs in the Virgin Islands and Guam. While we acree

that current facilities are in need of upgrading, their ultimate

cost should be more in line with health facility fumds already
appropriated for Guam and authorized to be spent in the Virgin
Islands. Public Law 95-134 authorized $25,000,000, which has
been appropriated for the purchase of a mdern 250-bed hospital
facility to service 100,000 people on Guam. Public Law 95-348
authorized about $52,000,000 for two 250-bed hospitals on St.
Croix and St. Thomas, a small facility on St. John, and related
outpatient facilities and clinics to service a 1983 population of

161,000 in the Virgin Islands.

Additionally a 90-bed hospital in the Northern Marianas would provide
5.6 beds per thousand people; the HEW ceiling standard recommends
4 beds per thousand. Considering these statistics, the proposed
facilities appear to be larger than necessary for the population
of the Northern Marianas ard the projected costs for the facilities
appear to be excessive. Furthermore, the ability of the government
of the Northern Marianas to staff and maintain elaborate facilities
on a cost-effective basis is uncertain.
We do not douwdt that upgraded facilities are necessary. At the
present time, however, we cannot offer a firm figure to substitute
for the one in the bill.


The Administration, therefore, cannot support the authorization

contained in section 202. The Department of the Interior will undertake, in cooperation with the Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare, to report to the Congress by dime 1, 1980, as to the Northern
Marianas hospital needs and their costs. We would not abject. to such
an endeavor's being statutorily required.
Sectioms 203, 301, 402, and 502

Sections 203, 301, 402, and 502 would have the Secretary of the
Treasury administer and enforce, to varying degrees,income tax and customs
laws in the territories of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guan, the
Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. We understand that the sponsors of
this concept believe that additional revenue would accrue to the

territorial governments under administration and collection of taxes and
duties by the Internal Revenue Service.


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