The Administration's substitute would also

the fact that the

program would provide medical care for ilinesees ox injuries which may

have resulted from nuclear testi, and is not intended to provide

comprehensive health care for general medical or psychiatric problems
that are unrelated to the testing program.

Our substitute for section 103 is as follows:
Sec. 103. The Act entitled "An Act to authorize certain
appropriations for the territories of the United States, to
amend certain Acts relating thereto, and for other purposes"

(91 Stat. 1159; Public Law 95-134) is amendad—

(1) in subsection 104(a), by striking out

paragraph (4) and redesignating paragragh (5)
as paragraph

(4); and

(2) by inserting after section 105, the
following new section:

"Sec. 106. (a) Noteithstanding ary other provisionof

law, the Secretary of Energy shall provide for the people
of the atolls of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap, Utirik, and
such other atolls as the Secretary of Energy may designate,
“ and for their descendants, a program of medical surveillance
and treatment, ard envirormental research and monitoring, for
any illness or injury which, in the sole opinion of the

Secretary of Energy, may have been the result of the United
States nuclear weapons testing program at or near such atolls
during the period of 1946 to 1958. Such program shall include—
"(1) a periodic medical surveillance of
such peopleand their descendants with special
emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of injury

or illness that may have resulted fran such

muclear weapons testing program;

°(2) a periodic comprehensive monitoring
and analysis of the radiological status of the
people and environment of the atolls described
in subsection (a) of this section, employing
the most axrent scientific and technical

methods available, with emphasis on radiomuclide
pathways to man through the food chain;

°(3) at appropriate intervals, but not less

frequently than once every five years, the develop
ment of an updated radiation dose assessment,
together with an estimate of the risk associated

Select target paragraph3