
It should be made clear that the decision to plant the coconut

trees on the six northeastern islands was based solely upon the additional
potential radiation exposure to people assumed to reside on Enewetak,
Japtan, and Medren Islands.

More specifically, presumably the decision

did not consider the acceptability or unacceptability of copra from these
coconut trees at processing plants or on the world market.

be clarified.

This should

The following sentence, inserted after the first sentence

of the last paragraph on the bottom of page 2, would be appropriate:


Preliminary Reassessment Report does not address the issue of the accepta-

bility on the world market of copra obtained from coconut trees planted
on those six islands, however, and the implication of this issue,
particularly in view of the experience of copra from trees planted on
Bikini Island, has yet to be resolved."

The decision to plant the trees, and

the bases for it, are recognized to be Interior's responsibility, however.
Additional Conments

Page 1, Paragraph 2
We have no problem with the two sentences beginning "This preliminary...’

being omitted. If they are retained, however, "“yorthern" should be replaced
by “northeastern,” and the words “and all of the islands in the northwest”

should be inserted before the word "still."

Furthermore, after "exposure

estimates" please insert the words "for the lifestyles considered, however."
Page 2, Paragraph 3
should be
The terms “all of the radiation exposure estimates..."

g conditions
clarified that the etatement pertains only to the livin
identified in the preceding paragraph.







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