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Whar naethoda se scrdad i Sect 2.5.4 tag the taowe ports:BS peaunlel wae Laem Skea, tor
farst week, the second wees, and the third week. The cabculated wb te-Lody smees ar+ pre-

Seated ta Taide 3.18 and individual orn doves are presested in Tables 3.19 ibromeh 3.73%. OF
these organs, the Gi tract, the sheletoa, and tha thyroid may br encsidered ertieal rciccen~

” sitive organs. A critical crpaa omy be destined ass (2) an organ with Ube presical cecoaristian
Of radioactive material, (7) an organ tact is eseentiz! or Indicpenszble to the weil SeS7 of the

wtwle animal, or (3) an osr2n that taa ke damaged with a low dose {Reiereuce Ti.

BY Interval Dase ta Anitaats-—General Treads. Ecopertion of both tar whee
bacy [Fadia

3.39) and individeal organ dose (Tables 3.29 through 3.23) reveals thet the predomtzant cone
from t-ternz) enstatatnation ia accumulated durteg the early exposure perses (9 to 23 Loers).



The enly long-term expusure dose ‘of importance is the dose resulting from the erposare for
Oto 7 days, a ma,>¢ port of which was accumulated dering the carly period. After the thind
‘ woek, the activity level ors eeaenthally background.
The dose ealcuiated for the wivle body is lower than the dose fo certaia critical organs —Gt
tract, thyrnd, and skeleton (bone marrow). The higher activity of these criical organs is,
diluted by lissues containing low levels of radisactivity, primarily muscles sad connective




Among the variousorgans listed in che dose tables, the skcieton (which contains the amrros},
Gi tract, and threoid are the mosi sensitive to Interrial contamintion. The jiver coaains fess
Comtaminarts acd, ia additisa, is the leust radiosensitive of the aryams un«lyzed in thic stuily.


sygtine apt aE Re eee a
i RTeaytrenomcn


‘The tibia of the avimals from the test eomparimeyts reavrally received the highest cose ard the ~

Rivet the least. Of the directcr piatiorm snimals, ciither the G] tract er recpirziorys tract deacs
were equal te er rrtster tia the tibia dese. RK will also be muted that ia neariy 40 cases, the.
> Hose (9 the Gl tewel bs greccer tian the dose to the respitatory tract. Pia nescects Cnt the
. wette nal way lp cick the activity outers the tos! ia by intestinal ahserpties rthev thin fecon
the long alveeli. Gls com. spt ia cupported by eeu imental invesligatios where 4 was fad |
tad aninwtic enpes wd is yt Region preducts showce a rarid ytake anda rapidlan ia
aetivey. Tuc ol actitihy in the Gi iract colmciud with the decline of ucdiviny in ad begs
“Peterence 1 .,
Fisally. it wifi io noted that the doses ta the mice are higher than those ta the guinca Ege.
Howerer, thit grzoral discrepancy can be explained ty te. ay.tloveaze dn Udavolumeof required






“aiz, as wil be demonstcated prevenily;





3.32 Estimotcsof Internal Bore ta Man. As sroviously stated, the guinca pig was chosen
for this stuc; Because KS
alvouiae retewion of 1-ricron-size pariiculates is quaiatitatively
Similar ta aici aaa. However, ite resulls of the studies of the individua) organs of the ani‘walsused during Shuts Wahoo andi Lirerciia indicated that, in nearly all cases, the tazin portal
eniry of the rahuactivity oas-probably the imestine rather than the ‘lungs. Initially, the animal inhiled the airborne radiasctivity inte the naga) and oral cavitivs.





The haled activity can

erther be cauhi or settle on ca tho wails of these cavities or vortinue moving in the trachea
down towast the hroarhi. The activity that cannot penctrate the alreeli is largely cauci@t by the
mucous cf ik $e menibranes and by means of the ciliary action of the-epitheliom of this part of
(the resgirstor, <\siein swept up into the pharyna and subsequently swallowed. The transicnt .
time af radiouctivity in the igs was very short, with 2 great part of the activity going in and
owt of the lungs well within TF hour (Reference 16). Once in the Gltract, the amount of radinac- _
tivity absurt<d ito the circulatory system depends upon the solubilityof the zatcrial ingested |
an whether os rot the soluble matcrial can penetrate the intestinal wall. Theos, the zmount of
Soluble und pais traiie outerial present in ihe Gi tract determines the degree of internal con
‘amination (Neicrences 22 41.4 23)..

This is equally true for man, guinea pig, and mause,

_ because the puysielogical me. huisms of each is simular.
Tias, the degree uf interral contamination is dopondent upon the ratume of contaminated air
circulated in and oa of tke ctsal, oral, and upper respiratc ry syvtens. The volumes uf air





Select target paragraph3