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This sav gee wen Da ea eee ATC CSP MEUM ELE Meese t firs.


taken a8 6.2 percest an us3 fameber of tSsions Getermined lor the sample. The sample Was
_ canted and a issuete: clid-zate rake nas delermiced. The tots) air gareries were counted
in the Same counter, aswileg the alwre-mertionsed roiation of fssions ts cova wale (cerxer)ing for decas), the (23; ir Somaple couz rates were converted to (86.008 and are given ia

Table 3.2, The collection of ese nursbers of ficsieas as a a faction of lisa was Crterminad

aud converted to dose rics aed airborac concertrsitzos using Equations 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 28

appropriate. The estimited cose retes 2ad concentrations for the first 10 rcioutes ovter past

are given in Tabies 3.6 tsromga 3.0.- besos eatumated trom thse dose rates ace precesfv4 ba

Pable 3.30 (omitting the fireroem, beraese this Core entinaie wes too low to “> signi“icang.

- For the fireroom, it waa assumed that radioactivity from bolier casing leakace was hiirohced —
into the fircrogom at He 30 seconds acd remained throughout the sampling poried. The cit sam-

pie then represcats a collection at 2 constart rate (constant concentration) for the total sampling .

"phe th1EB RS OG caSelaceatis.


3.2.3 Estimates of Exterral Radiatien Dose Due to Deposited Act‘vity Withia Test Compart-

menis. To estirnzie the dose rates due to deposited agiivity, the highest sucface sampie cuum

rate for the film slide collecsers in e2¢%: compartment was vscd ag the count rate for both the
decks and the buliacads in tie comand (all buikkead count rates were below tickgruned
at time of counting). These count rates were substituted ta Equation 1.5, and ihe H+ 18 painete
dose rates so estimmed are cacseniad in Table 3.14. Comparic: with the dose ratesestimated
for airborne contazinants at i+ 19 misttes in Table: 7.6, 3.3, ond 2.9 ehow thet sey iaike
galley could deposited activity be cocciiered gignilicant.

The doze rite estiwated for the evtey ot HG 10 iatnutes from Palle 3.11 was sorrected fer



segHariae iS+

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period of 120 minutes. The compartment had been sealed, and ro basis for estimating airlew
characteristics «as availabie.


@ccay to obtain esthastes uf Cose rates fiten Hei lo + bd mbvcles end at M4 129 minates o3_ suming all naterkel
rosited ip W< beclicte. (leeewy Catt frora Rofercnce 10 was utilized
for the time porio4 HeSto He 8% mates ated Cnlses
et {a shove cf ahoul - 1.8) fer 429
seconds to H+6 sabmites.j Thedaca ce + ectioa’ss and (ra doe ta M40) mites ere prescited
ba Table 3.12.
3.2.4 Sun.mary of Extermt G-umma Pete Esticy:'es Dee to the biereso of Cor*aminants.
The total gamma dase measured ia cach test compeciment and Ue variws eslicacied garam
doses due to the tngress of cantemine:ts are presented in Table 3.13;filsn badge doces are
24-hour doses (Reference 16}, GITR doses vary {rom appreximately $- ta Z-hour doven, Tie ingress dose estipates are remad fignes, adequsie to represent Uese estimates for 1 (0 44
buurs.” The wacertaintics inbereat inte basic caia-and In the assumdiens and zpproximations
used in the estimating techniques lave resulted ia a wide rare of values for the ingress dose
estimates at cach location.
Comparison of the forward acd afier firerocn ingress dose estimates indicates that fullpower operation of a boiler wactd result in higher dose cstimates than those presented here,
because combustion elfects would cause greater deposition of matcrial than for either of the
two conditions in these tests. Bering tic tesis, the operalizg boiler was fired with dicsel cil
to improve unmanved operstioml reliatality. The use of regular-boiler fuel would resultin
larger soct depesits and ihercfore aise inercase the probability of larger Ceposits of radioactive material. No estimate of the magniiude of these effects can be made, but it is most prob- able that an increase tn dose would result.
Comparison of ingress dose estimates and total doses indicates that even the ‘chest ingress
dese estimates are only a half toa third of the toial dose for the best and least shielded ce npartments respectively. The celative importance of th ingress dose is thercfore a functlian of
the shrelding proviced by the Ship's Structure. For a dcstroyer ops rating under tie circumstanees encountered in these trsis then, even the m7xinnuin ingress duce estimates are neeondary to the high doses wh:ch were measured in lighly shielded compartments.


Select target paragraph3