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oot eeeeb eb Eat e beee seth OhaT Sd cing,

this perint if the range of panucie sizes d<itvered includes Porticics thatee asthe or be


ae, Gat o€ the alt currents before resciing extaust terminsie. Buri the second thie reriGd, %, tot, , tere ts Lith tdane and exbeud tf watevial, ( belg the isewhen (ike fOR2eS

Ether Gertsg this pes ied or acno atteretrS,t2ere will be gorse Ue, perhorys c. lp meceeary,
when the rale of intake is equal io te rate of cubcrest pie the rate f figcoisa, acl the tial

Cowl nate

material encwe rety be Mat. Daring the fa perisd, 2, tet. , exhawn is the cally reethaaes

changing Cr smoual of mAerialiothe anyat
Fae COREE Gite a Flyer ak Red (SR

ROTae SCS OG he aceniiTaoon taThee eetof

change of .isboree moteriai Gae te exiacio) nani Oa: by dove ioe ere cack properiicasl is tee

arocunt of airborne maierial prosest. The equctioa Gemamtyates that the rate at which mue-


rial is euiausted from the coupartesent ls Gepemiert og bath depocitica a4 cahauct rates.

Thaa, the higher the raie of depocition the more ravidly will the tatel material curve approach
the final d-peail value, because there is less meterial out cf 2- siren total tv be exhacsted for 3


a cla in

beets a gah
mbt taskoika

Riven rate cf air exhaust.





Figure 3.2 represents thé cage where eli material is of such sraall perticle size that it remains airborne and devucilion of maicrial, Manz, can be neglected. Tae time periods are the
same 23 sjven above. The mrineical differeaces are thot during the second partod the curve
mag be flut inteating a coasani amet ef meterial ta the comrartuent due to equal tnteke and
extauct Gi seuter int, sid exkound cir movement clus? corerns the rote of depletion af moteriat
in the corpartmeat afer intoke ag cecis’. Yor tie final putted efter intate has ceaced ard &
it is asso that the sw olerial is UnMormly chsiriscted—onil:SOR Concentra ine throwciant the
comparitrest—ithe ddovteee eguatica ciren oe Figare 1.2 may zg
zpply- Pecacse in tits cos2 the
rate of material remove it ecual ty the rele ad eluate of ate ath. corpartgven?, Che ceosing?
& bo equa: te the ver
A Sbew rete disifed by f2+ constricies! waFamne.
Figure 1.5 reure
abt od ote
“city 2
2 “rete%



Gris eioy rates die tc:


. the amount ét raaterial init: cosarte

Bonga 28 nor ay crtver aclen me
eg uP ae
ABS of Sateo Lantana, sartiontarty
- tive decay, Gxctrioutica. ef mferial, ard picts es
decay, which ts qelie raid at the eaxly tires. gier &oan Phat aye of bt stent in thera forts,
when nace 09 convert a moteric? enrve ts a duge rate curve (ur vies Ferss} many change ths
slopes c2i fine of peaks.
& Girect mrasurewect ef Coze rate as a furction of time, ue eiy ts the incress of radionetive mztert:!, can only be nade ia cenaputiawent et ts shisidsd trem ether radiaiion g-ursee,
@ Situation net found ena destroser. BF to Siutiar comparinepls could-be feard ose of waich
wes vented and the offer sented and the cose rate difiererztes ave to unequal shielding dtter-mined, then any remaining cose rate cilfaremes would be rue to the ingress of raticactive
materials. Getermination of such a skicl ing or normalizing {i clor between bro dos2 rate
. Measurements 72 different shipvvard localions may be quite Cvficult er at best be zccompani
by iarge uncertainties. Waere the ingress dese rate ty a small cuierence between large
rumbers, aad may be equal to the uncertainty i4 ibe large murnbers, then any determination by
audferences is alnost impassibic.
Uncertainties in this estimatirs techmiqse src nizgimom for corttlons of ropiily cheagios,
, nonuniform radiation sources where ihe extcrier dese rate compoi-ri is the principval dove rate
componert. ‘Minimum uncertziniic+ result when ratiationsources change slowly, are uniform,
and the cose rate due ty ingress is to proiominant dose rate cemponent. If cose rates due to
ingress can be determined and cosrecied for decay, Ure valves so determined ary proportional
to the amount of radicective material in the compartment as a function of time ard, with some

assumptions aod anprosimetions, Tales presortional to uirborne and ceyosited material tay
be derived. Erevarersion of tieestimeics to dere raies aml integrating wevid sive the song






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