

aware of A/D 69-1.

Indeed, the Immigration Officer pointed out


that virtually every person in Majure who had been granted non-tourist
or,yisitor status had probably enter (sic) Micronesia initially as a

'téurist.' The Distad agreed that Bowles’ decision was less than
candid and fair and tacitly agreed to allow the Japanese to remain


unt£¥ a more satisfactory resolution of the issue could be obtained.
“Atthis point, Sen. Kabua cabled Bowles, insisting that his © °°
decision was based on unknown legal technicalities and failed to take
into account the rolitical and diplomatic factors of the situation.
Rep. Balos stated in his response to Bowles’ cable that if the
Japanese were not allowed to visit the islands, he would encourage


‘the exclusion of Dr. Robert Conard and the AEC until the matter of
the Japanese could be cleared up.


from tha AG on Dec. 10 or 11.-

Senator Kabua received a response

[t stated vaguely that his decision

was necessary to protect the immigration security of the Territory
and the diplomatic seurces in Japan and Washington had been consulted

before the decision had Ecen made.

We received no further clarifi-

cation of the A/D 69-1 decisiun.
The Japanese were extremely
/ 2
impatient throughout these neyotiations since they had limited funds:
and limited time to devote to the enterprise.
On Wed. Dec. 15th, they
determined to leave the next day.
That evening, they invited Ataji,_
myself and Senator Kabua to a farewell dinner, to thank us for the

‘valiant’ efforts we had made on their behalf.






on ce

“Katsushige Murayama, the translator for the team, agreed to’
provide us with copies of all the press coverage from Japan.


also indicated that if we could succeed in obtaining permission to’
conduct the survey, they would be willing to return, perhaps next



"The issue at the juncture is whether we should proceed to appeal
thea AG decision of Dec. 13 - this was the date of receipt of the final
Genial of our application.
Sec. 58 allows appeal within 15 days.o£! the

ede. co
“+ 7+*

date of the decision by the HiCom or his delegate. I will consult® >
further with Rep. Balos and seek advice and commentary from MLSC-.
Saipan in this regard.”

“Japon Congress Against A- And H-Bombs

4th Floor, Akimoto Bldg. 2-19, Tsukaga-cho, kanda, Chiyoda-ku


Tokyo, Japan


December 24, 1971

Rep. Mr. Ataji Balos
P. 0.



354, Uliga

Majuro, Marshalls
Micronesia, 96960
Dear Mr. Ataji Balos,





sorry that we could not meet H-bomb sufjerars both in Rongelsp and


our project sufficiently, it was a great pleasure for us to be able


Utilik (sic) under our very nose.

to meet H-bomb sufferers in Majuro.

Althyugy we could not acconplish-:

Through talking with those ‘'-

wl0G- td



“We Survey Team returned home safaiy. Thank you very much forest tot
your many friendly kindness and troublej; tq us. I am terribly

Select target paragraph3