

-*. Op-36/emr

21 JUN1948

Serial: O092P36

, (S8C)H1-18

Radiobiological Survey of Bikini Lagoon.


to Washington, D. C., for briefing by the Atomic Energy

Commission, and then to act as Liaison Officer for the
Such additional
expedition during the movement to Kwajalein,
liaison or assistance as may be required can be obtained by

the head of the expedition from the Island Commander at

For purposes of security, it is understood that

only official cameras will accompany the expedition and that all

film exposed will be processed under the supervision of the

Atomic Energy Commission.
It is requested that any news releases
concerning the expedition be cleared both by the Atomic Energy
Comission and the Director of Public Relations, Navy Department,
Washington, D. C.


The mailing address for the expedition will be


It 1s understood that an allocation of $20,000

c/o Island Commander, Kwajalein, Nav 824,
San Francisco, California.

c/o Postmaster,

has been made to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts to cover
extraordinary expenses incurred by the expedition. The cost
of travel incurred by any personnel in the Navy assisting
in the expedition will be properly chargeable to such an


Your attention is invited to the existing

instructions issued to the Commander-in-Chief Pacific and

Pacific Fleet which provide:

"You will not be responsible

for the safety measures adopted to protect members of duly
authorized scientific and survey parties from radiological
hazards. This responsibility will rest with the senior

member of the party".


‘For purposes of facilitiating commmications,

it is requested that the subject expedition be kmown as the

"AKC Donaldson Survey".

It is understood that the expedition will
consist of the following twelve civilian members and no


Select target paragraph3