shoved low levels of rediceetivity emi could be esten im pormel exounts
(1-2 pounds per day per edult) without reservation.

Pandams, eoecent

meat and wilk, as well as cocomut crabs (lead ereds) all contain substantial

smounts of Cs'5T ens ar. purther work must be dome with rew date before «
realistic evelustion of rediaticn risk due to consuming these foodstuffs oom

be mode.

Exclusion of sous locelly-produced food items from the diet may be

fadicated, es vas done im the case of lead crabs tu the resettlemsat of




In summery, it eppeers thst re-cecapetion of Bikial Atoll withia the
meer future would result in en external radietion exposure sbout double thet
incurred wy the sversge U. 8. population but similar to thet mow facurred ly

residents of the Coloredo Platesu ares. ‘The matter of soil burisl or plowing
would presumsbdly reduce such exposure to near sverage levels. (It should be

noted thet the soil cover is thia--e few inches--end disruption of this night

imeir the fertility of the islands.) Consusption of local produce im eormal
amounts would yield redicactive body burdens of ¢s!57 20 to 50 times greeter
than those occurring ia U 8. population during the high fallout period 19631964.

Wome the less, these levels ere below those curreatly experienced by

some portions of the Eekimo population.


By removing specific locally produced

food items, ead substituting important mutrient, the Bicini diet will conteia.
about the levels of redicectivity deemed acceptable to vorld populetion in
recent years.

Sources of exposure will have to be evaluated and decisions reached

whether or mot to teke ection to aiminize exposure through the various peth-





ways thet may be present. In sddition, one should weigh, vith some







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Select target paragraph3