


agreed thet the cost estimate contained in the report was low, considering

the vork required, even though the rehebilitetion efforts suggested were

The question was reised as to what agemcy would fund for the
rehabilitation or what agency would be responsible for specific rortions of
the work.

Br. Fritech indicated thet the ARC would provebly be willing to

suyport pert of the necessary funding.

Commissioner Norwood indicated that

there could be some support from the Trust Territories.

Dr. Johnson pointed

out thet possibly fundiag, vhich will be over and above normel de,artaental

funding, could be dest handled by the JCAE.

Tris point wes not pursued.


wes pointed out thet return of the Bikiniens would meet with a high degree
of approval at the UN, however any actiom would necessarily derend on the
Air Force requirements and the rediologicel situation of the environment.
As beckground to ea discussion of the redioclogicel situetion of Bikini
Atoll it should be noted thet vhen the 166 natives vere moved from Bikini

Atoll to Rongerik Atoll March 6, 1946, tn ;reperation for Operation CROSSROADS,
it wee tentetively ;lenned that when the UJ. 8. a0 longer hed a requirement for

the atoll the ares vould be returned to the rightful owners.

Due to insuf-

ficient aeturel resources on the Rongerik Atoll, the nstives (then numbering

184) vere moved to Kvajelein Atoll in Merch 1948 and housed in tents temporerily while « decision was made for e permanent locetion.

to Kili Island in November 1945, where they now reside.

The grou; moved

It should be noted

thet Kilf Island lecks @ lagoon end thet marine life es @ source of food is

mot available im sufficient smount to supply the needs of the populetion.

Select target paragraph3