Department of Energy Pacific Area Support Office PO. Box 29939 Honolulu, Hawaii 96820 HO LG 1S JAN AMY x . 1975 Addressees PROPOSED LIKTANUR II USERS PLANNING GROUP (LUPG) MEETING We are pleased to inform you that the DOE has entered into a long term subcontract with U.S, Oceanography to provide ship support for our Marshall Island programs. The Liktanur II is a 115 foot, wide beam oceanographic vessel which has undergone extensive modifications to provide a comfortable and efficient platform for both our medical and environmental programs. The first mission will be the annual full scale BNL medical trip, leaving Kwajalein on January 25th and returning February 9th, We want to take full advantage of this resource, thus, after clearing it with Dr, William Robison, propose to hold our annual IUPG scheduling meeting on February 15th, at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. BNL and PASO personnel who participate in the first mission will be on hand to relate their experience and views on vessel performance. There had been a previous proposal to schedule the meeting on February 10th in conjunction with the Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory Workshop in Monterey but after Phone conversation with the Chairman LUPC, Roger Ray, and the regular users, February 15th emerged as a more convenient time. In order to complete our scheduling task and to discuss related matters of mutual interest it would be helpful if you have your requirements laid out ahead of time. Some users may even wish to exchange ideas prior to the meeting as to the feasibility of conducting 2 or more missions on the same voyage. The following general information may be useful as you make your plans: i. Liktanur It can support about 15 persons over and above the crew. Bunk facilities are air conditioned and there are adequate messing, shower and toilet facilities.