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. ..;.

aware’of A/D 69-1. Indeed, the Immigration Officer pointed out w
that virtually every person in Majilrnwho had been granted non-tourist :’
or.-yisitorstatus had probablyenter (sic)Micronesiainitially as a
The Distad agreed that Bowles’ decision was less than
c~ndid and fair and tacitly agreed to allow the Japanese to remain .
un~ik a more satisfactory resolution of the issue could be obtained:





“At<this point, Sen, Kabua cabled Bowles, insisting that his ‘-’’”:
decision was based on unknown legal technicalities and failed to take
into actouritthe political and diplomatic factors of the situation.
Rap. Bales stated in his resptinse
to Bowles’cable that if the
he would encourage
Japanesewere not allowedto visit the islanc3s,
the exclusion of Dr. Robext Conard and the AEC until the matter of”
the Japanese could be cleart?dUP. Senator Kabua received a response
from &e AG on Dec. 10 or 11. ~t stated vaguely that his decision
was necessary to protect tho immigration security of the Terzitory ‘,!1
and the diplomatic sources
in ,Japanand Washington had lmcn consulted
before the decision had been made. We received no further clarifi“ ~
cation of the A/D 69-1 decisiiti~,The Japanese were extremely
impatient throughout these negotiations since they had limited funds:
and limited time to devote to Xhe enterprise. On Wed. Dec. 15th, they
determined to have the next day. ‘l’hat
evening, they invited Ataji-bmyself and senator Kiibua to a farewell dinnet, to thank us for the
‘valiant’ effoxts we had made on their behalf.
“Katsushige Flurayama,tht~translator for the team, aqreed to” .
provide w with copios of all the press coverage from Japan. He
also indicated that if we could succeed in obtaining permission to]
conduct the survey, they would be willing to return, perhapS Flcxk

“The iseue at the junctuluis whetherwe shouldproceed to appeal”i
the AG decieion of Dee, 13 - this was the date of receipt of k!c Cinal “!
denial of our application. Sec. 58 allows appeal within 3.5dayco~~~da
date of the decision by tho HiCom or”hia delegate. 1 will consulky;’further with Rep. Balo8 and seek advice and commentary from 2~~C-.
Sa.ipaQin thiG regard.”

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“Japun congress Against A- A@ H-BombEI
Lith E.oor4 +)dnoto BUg+2-M.{,.Tstiaoa-cho, Icanda,&yocla-ku


‘ December





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