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atomic end nuclear we~pons, have been making visits to Rongelap and
ver, aPPears to be
“Utirik eve;y year. The object of their visits, hv”..
the collection of medics) data instead of the restoration of health to
H-bohb vidtims who have developed all kinds of diseases and abnozmalitie.s.
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“~. speaker and rrembnrsof the House, there is reason to believd’,,kh;t
the Admin,istcringAuthority has chosen to neglect and ignore the health of
the’!H-bpfiv~%tims in Ronqalap and Utirik and is now obstructing effor,ts
by others to restoro health to these unfortunate victims of the bomb. I’
am convinced that they have not beer]given proper medical examination nor
adequate treatment. These observct.ionsare also shared by’a profession’alis:
Japahese medical team that I invltui to help our people but who were un<;~:
ceremoniously deported from Micronesia by High Commissioner Johnston and;his
Cofipany,Acting Attorney General
Bowles. As true guardian of the interests
of the peopla of Micronesia, we mutitnot allow these people, few and remote
as they are, to live L\e way they have lived without seeking ways and means
to help them. For 18 years they have quietly suffered and died, but now
they see a ray of hope in this Corigressin assisting them.



‘“On their behalf, therefore, I am requesting that this Congr.:ssiri
some atipropriatemanner indicate ib~ displeasure at the deportation by i.u
the hdntihisteringAuthority of the Japanese medical team who came to
Micronesia last December for the purpose of aiding the H-bomb victims in
Ron@lap and Utirik. I am sure that they will rejoice at such an action
by.their ’leaders.
i ‘“I am also requesting on their behalf that the Congress of Micronesia
Okasgis+tin the restoration of their health and extend an official invitation
to ‘tie,WorldHealth Organization and the Japan Congress Against A-anti
ff-Bombs.~p,ccmeto Micronesia to investigate and examine the health
Conditikh’of the people of Rongelap and Utirik.
1 .’4 ‘
.“Ifthere is no objection from my colleagues, I would like, Mr.
Speakert to’insert into the official records of tho HOUGO certain infor“ tnationpertaining to what I have ;ust baen riharingwith you for the last
“Thank you very much.”
The Chair recognized Representative Setik.

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Representative Set.ik: Mr. Speaker, 1 share the S.T-.(:
feeling Congres&mruil~alosmentioned. I would like the information to which lticCongressman
refdrred to become a permanent recc@ of tho Congxess, and I c>ffexit’for
tha record.’
., ‘,
... .,.
.,. ‘De”chber 16, 1971 Office Memorandum’
,.,“ :.-.
D. F, Oisen
Visit of Japanese Ncdical S“ti,,;vey
Team, December 7, 1971
to December 15, i971

Select target paragraph3