



stored in her body. Comparing with the inhabitants oi’Kili
Island 90Sr is counted 8 times to 20 times as much high
and 13$Cs is 10 times as much as high ~n,her body. And tile
quantity of these elements
~~ body had~~
in~~eased from 1967
Sr is stored mostly
to 1969, of which I am wry worried.
in bone, it is thinkable that it is some related cause to
sterility. ~37cG is accumulated in muscle. Anytiay both
elhnents contain strong radioactivity, so they can surely effect
to human beings, I am dfraid if she is discouraged too much
when she is told the fact. Dear Mr. Ataji Bales, ‘ihope you
encourage her not to be distressed spiritually. I recomiiend
her to live on Majuro but not on Rongelap, because she had
better not to eat anymorg the food containing radioactivity.



“z hope all of them will recover their fine health as quickly
I am extxemely sorry that i could not 13tayin your place
and give them rnedi.cal

as possible.







H.J.R. No* 70

Introduced by:

Rep. Mangefel



Requesting Vle Joint Committee on Program and
Planning to insure that the ciockfacilities
under the Capital Improvements Program and the I?ive
,. Year Plan ir,cludeprovision for ncw docking facilities at Colonia, Yap, and to declare the present
port .facilitiesat Colonia, Yap, a “disastsz ax~a.”
1 ,’.,!,,





,;. .,, .’ ,,


} . ,,


NO: 71


,, ,,




Introduced by:

Rep. Atalig

Nominating the Honorable John O. Ngiraked, Land
Mar@gemeht Officer of the Palau District, for
considerakivn for ap~ointment to tiieMicromwian
Claims C@qi5sion.






Representative Manqefel: Mr. Speaker, I would like the House to
xeeognize the presence of some distinguished visitors from the Yap
District -- Chief Roboman, Chief Keruned,Chief Lukan, and Secretary
to the Council, Mr. Jesus Mangarfit.


RepresentativeAtaligl Mr. Speaker,may 1 ask the ii0u6@to recognize
of EPA from
thQ presenceof W. Dick Goddcon,~pecial rcprcscntative
San Francisco.



Representative Guerrcro: Mr. .$peak;’r,
I would lika to take ‘&e
Opportunity to express my sympathy to Concjressm~nBales and the people
of Rongelap and Utirik.” I am very much cor,cerncdthat the ~,dminiswould turn down such a req>iest’
for guarding theil health. This
action by the High Commissioner ar~:l
is no less than
dictat~rial, communistic, ‘and fasciut and x would .Iikepersonally to offer
my p]~!d~),
to .$Upport,
the people affacted and to work toward ‘uhcircause.
Thank Y,l\,.~WeXy
milch,Mr. $peal<cr.


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