
No because it was mentioned earlier that fallout from the atomic

bombs went all around the earth, so the whole world is contaminated to some



Another question here.

May I follow that just a bit?
Before there was any atomic bomb, there was radiation in our

environment, worldwide.

The radiation, naturally occurring radiation, in

the waters of the ocean, in the fish, in the plants.
forever, since the earth was formed.

We are also exposed daily to

radiation from the sun, the cosmic rays from the sun.
that has zero radiation.

It has been there
So there is no place

What we are portraying with these numbers is that

that which is caused by the bombs is not very different in quantity or
intensity from that which occurs naturally.

As the number gets higher it

is more, it is larger in proportion to what is there naturally.

But no-

where is there no radiation.

So, here we see on the map of Bikini the figures 4 and with

that you are saying that, that 4 is a level that is safe for habitation?
May we live at Bikini?

I can't answer that question whether you can live at Bikini.


Island has more radiation on it than the other places that are labeled 3,
labeled 2 and labeled 1.

It seems like you said before that all these figures

including 4 were, it is possible to inhabit those places, so now that means
that we are able to eat whatever we want and drink whatever we desire at
Bikini because that 1s labeled 4?

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