two different things we are talking about.

Radiation that effects the

plants and then goes on by and is not in the plant.

There is not

radioactive material in it to harm you, or radiation material, radioactive
materials that are taken up in the plant which you eat.
different things.

These are two

The statement here is the radiation levels which we have

experienced in the Marshalls have never been seen to do damage to a plant.

Exactly, Roger, this is the question that he is bringing up.

It is

a legitimate question.


Yes it is.


Why is it that we are not recognizing it to be a dangerous level

and yet it is restricted?


So that we can explain it to the people.

Why can't you go there if it is safe as the book says.

We find it

difficult to explain it to women who want to go back to Bikini, women who
want to go to certain islands, when you say, as the book, that it is safe?

The principal matter of concern for people going back to Bikini to

live is what their diet will be.

What they will eat?

How much radioactive

material will they take into their bodies?


(not clear)

We are saying in the book that the plants would be harmed only if the

radiation levels were higher.

The plants themselves, not that the plants

would be contaminated, but that they would be harmed.
that the plant will come back.

This simply says

We know, we've seen that plants do grow.

They flourish no matter what the levels of radiation is in the soils.

My second question, (not clear) so that we can go on with this.

Can we, can these people make a copy of this book to study and let their
own scientists and analysts interpret as they see fit?


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