watch it.

We have tomorrow available and then we must leave.

We may still

be going through this brochure to this booklet tomorrow, I think, if we

don't go on.

If I might say to Phil, I'm sure that there are lots of

worthwhile, worthy health studies and other sorts of studies that could be

Qur purpose here is to report on a specific study which is complete,

to give you the results of that study.

We admit that it is narrow in

It doesn't deal with anything but what we have said.

The condition

of the selected atolls of the northern Marshalls at a particular time in
1978 and then some conclusions having to do with residents in those atolls.
If we can get through with that then I think we can branch out on any

subject that you want, provided we've satisfied the questions that go with
this report.

[Alice continued presentation in Marshallese. ]

I would like to ask if there was a difference between the

types of bombs that were detonated in Japan and those that were tested in
the Marshalls?


Yes they were...The bombs that were dropped over Japan were detonated

in the air quite some distance above the earth.

Those that were detonated

at Enewetak and Bikini ranged from some that were underwater to some that
were at great altitude much higher than those in Japan.

They were at the

full range of altitudes.

I would like to ask, I think the purpose of his question was were

they different kinds of bombs and your response was as to where they were

I'm sorry.

I thought he asked where they...

Yes, there were a wide

variety of bombs at Bikini and Enewetak, all different kinds of designs.
There were two different kinds of design in Japan.

The radiation from al]

of them was the same as is described here.

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Select target paragraph3