
What we do know about the cause, about iodine-131 causing thyroid

cancer is that it takes quite a long time for the cancer to appear after
the radiation exposure occurs.

We also know that the iodine-131 has a

short enough half-life that if it caused the cancer in the thyroid, by the
time the cancer shows up the iodine is no longer there.

So the measurement

that Suzanne is suggesting that might determine how much iodine is in the
thyroid at the time the cancer is there has nothing to do with how the
cancer was caused.

Whether it is high or low, it has nothing to do with it

because it wouldn't still be there if it had caused it.
[Alice continued presentation in Marshallese. ]

I am asking about the last sentence of the paragraph that was

just read, which is on page 26.

In other words we are comparing

populations now, if you compare the population of the Marshalls with the
population of Yap, it's not greater in the Marshalls than in Yap?


What is not greater?


The number of birth defects that occurs in a given population.


The information that I have seen in a report that appeared in 1978,

I think, did not show any difference in any of the territories in the trust
territories, in any of the communities of the trust territories.


couldn't distinguish one from another in terms of birth defects, cancer, or
other disease.

In micronesia your saying? Yes.


It was in the five-year health plan for the trust territories.


I have seen a report that indicates that there has been an

increase in the number of defects since the bomb tests, and I don't see how


Select target paragraph3