








On the basis of the DOE analysis, the decision was made;in
:epternber to proceed with the planting of coconut trees on



northern islands and the planting program on these

islands now is underway.
Dose Assessmerit Meeting
The “Preliminary Dose Reassessment

Report” also permitted the

“Dose Assessment” meeting that the people of Enewetak had
requested in December 1978, to take place.

This meeting

~,ith the people of E~ewetak originally had been scheduled
for May 1979.

For various reasons, it had to be rescheduled

and the meeting was held on Ujelang Island on September 19
4440 /7{
of the people of Enewetak still reside on
and 20. The d
Ujelang pending a return to Enewetak Atoll.

The Department

of the Interior was represented at the September meeting
on Ujelang by the Solicitor


the Department, Mr. Leo

At the December 1978 meeting, the Department of Energy had been
requested to give a risk assessment review to the people
of Enewetak.


in July 1979, the Legal Advisor

for the people of Enewetak, Mr. Theodore Mitchell, Micronesia

Legal Services Corporation,

informed the Department of

Energy that he had retained scientific consultants and he
would not need to rely upon the Department of Energy for tha~
type of information.
partment believe

The Department of Energy and this De-

! , however,

that the United States

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