

strong reiteration that Federal Radiation standards would be

General Warren D. Johnson, then Director of DNA, was

a backup witness at this hearing and testified:


81 .



(p. 768)

.The Department of Defense is committed to clean
the island up to the standards established by ERDA,
and ERDA is committed to assure we have reached those

-. 9,

standards, so this is a coordinated effort.



In other

words, we cannot move anybody back until ERDA says?


“You have done what we have said has to be done.”

The Naster Plan for the Enewetak Rehabilitation and Resettlement Program that was submitted to your Committee for
funding in 1977 was developed around the radiation standard
stipulations set forth by the Department of Energy and by
Congress when it approved the cleanup funding. As noted
ear~’er in this report, the Master Plan called only for the

and resettlement of the three southern

islan~.s, Enewetak, Medran, and Japtan, and for the planting

of only

certain of the northern islands as well as the south-

ern islands.

Engebi Island was not to be used for the next

35-50 yeal-s, i.e., until natural decay of strontiul~cesium
~~ou Cz@os~L~ ~&UE&r
elements in the soil had
The people of Enewetak agreed to these stipulations and had
a major role in the development

of the approved Master Plan.

Thus, in addition to the radiation risk elements still

resettlement of the Engebi people on Engebi


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Select target paragraph3