409385 MATA: GFS | ANG 23 195! R Dear General Quesada: We have noted the omolusions and recommendations contained in your report on completion of Operation GREENHOUSE, which you furnished us by nemor endum dated August 1, 1951. We are informing the Military Liaison Committee by separate letter that we have no objeotions to the inactivation date of September 30, 1961 for oink.Task Force Three as recommended by Eos:~ Aswo have. previ ously,‘agreed with the Military Liaison “Committee, we shall continus™to-resolve problems not involving " “major policy decisions with. the current Joint Task Force Commander, “who reearea is Major.Cereal P. W. Clarksorsy Again’we thank you for your cal in our behalf, ~ / Sasa your! rs,oa.‘ Sam, REPOSITORY ca: mt COLLECTION bs 92 Sy -$3 pox no, (8) CHN3-32.6-72- ajo)!/s/ FOLDER \s mo Gordon Berra’, Ce rianere Lt. General Elwood R3 Quesada, USAF Commander, Joint Taak Force Three Washington 25, D. C. BEST COPY AVAILABLE 7 \ DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW Sed 1ST REVILW.DATE: . AUTHORITY: DAQC CIADC WAADD NAME: ___#® CLASSIFIED INFO B A as ‘ nat a’ CLASSIFICATION CHANGED TO: NAME: 3, CONTAINS NO DOE CLASSIFIED INFO 2ND REVIEW-DATE: 4-3-5 COORDINATEWILH: anernremeeee ao ’ : IFICATION CANCELLED AUTHORITY: ADD na a8 Pe, THER (SPECIFY): TH Xs Sy aen -Ses NUMBERG)] k= Jgr OETERMINATION , TATION[CIRCLE RETAINED |” BEER / GE ara +. “a, COPY FOR THE SECRETARIAT < a & mS BUR&< 3 jafes na aoc 4a ~ =} i. me Pos Beiba Prepay AENEAN Ue (w- ue mm ye Pop y 2 t of fe cates ae ‘wk \- \ A, ey yeh ad \ \ a Rene3 ss ue ON , . Joe 2 , a v4 .~