

de 9, 1976

‘arakhall Taleseg

srust Leeritory of tha Pacific

Hr. Roper Ray, AM/TES
U.S, Energy Research and Development Adzinistration (F208)

ie a A el eR ele aml

Nevada Qneraticns Office
P.0. Box Uico


' 706338

Dear Ere Bays

This letter is fron the chiefs end all of the people in Utirik Atalle

Xt has now been tiventy-tiom years since the redinestive fell-out fron the box,

which has disturced the peace and wolfare from 1954 untdl.the presente

The doctors fron raDA have told us that there were 1k rads in Utirl&k act

175 vacs in Rongelap, therefore, va are very surorised, becaiss in Utirik va
havo ten cases of thyroid rodvles, threa of witch were malismant.

Hut in Rencelsp

they have thirty cases of thyroid nodules, end also three cases of malicrancy.

Perhans you can tell us if there is sone eplanaiion for the sana miusber of malignant

thyroid casey iu hongelep and Utirik, tho recaived very civterent levels of

' Additionally, we have nany more things to esk, because at& present we ere
not heopy with the way things ares


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rowen®# 2%Now p47 - OCT 27 1977


reeosirony DOE~ F ORRESITLU


las Vera3s, Kevada 6911)

le Why is there not a control prom in Utirik?
.8) The peovle of Utirik are different fren the people of Eangelapethoy
are a different rene pool end breeding pooulatlore

b) Zhe peonlo of tirts ware exposed to different levels of rectation than
the people of RNoncelape——Utirik hed 14 rads, ord Roncelan bad 175 recs.

¢) There were different return tices for the Utirik people and tha Eonzeles

people fron Evajalein (following their evacuation) in 195h-—-tre reonla
of Utiril: returned to their atoll afier three months, and the peois

OF Roncelan returzed to their atoll after three years.

d) Would it be corzect to say that pornams the Utirik people received mors
than only 1); reds in
% of their quick return tins to Utirik?

e) Hould it ba correct to Say thet we can eapect many more cases of thyroid

problens in tae future?

2, Row come the ERDA coctore told us that there ves just a Uttla bit o2 radiat.
in Utdirik and 6 lot in Rongelap? That is, why are thers the sane miober
of malignent thyroid slaucs in Utirik as there are in Rongelen?

ge Ky is it thot the HUA doctors do not examine the children of ths emosed
Utdrik group?

hs Wry is 44 that the MOA doctors give different treatzoatto the pecols of
Utirlk than the pesvle of Konselay? Thoy do not give Dll examuatiiong
to tha people of Utirik overy yoor, as they do in Hongelade by not?

Se The people of Utirik should be chle ta choose their own doctoms

@) The peonle of Utirik do not like Dr, Emidsen beemsea ha does rot

examine cli of the Utirlk people, and looks at the peopla of Utirik
as if they are nercly aninols ina oclentific eperizent, end Durtacr,
he dsos not provide a "slok call" for the people.

b) Tha pooplo of Utiril do not like In. Conard because he Wes to tha
‘people, cnd has’ not helped tho peoola to understand tis problass



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