BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY + idm + --_ ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. | ce SS eS eee ee oe EN eee eee 6 te Sac & ra et eo Potton Lypa . (its; di’, 4207 pe epeeieenteencenare mae , sg: Hovermmecr 2+ ; 3 S33 US DOE ARSHIVES a ij - & 326 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY. re 7.OEMISSION Division -¢f Gperational & Environmental Safety CattEER on. Dos |peai L. &. Depariment of Energy Washington, E. C. 20545 ithed> tptor. leaw YO*. 4°Q?: Box 1> seb Giles 1326 P Ww —T Folder marshal! Lslawds 4 suiy- Dec. [9s ". bear Tors The prospects for a “tamely” seconaFound of wndleBosy COUNte of mians will require immediate and cvordinates efforts between DOE, DOT aud the trust Territory. Baskgrcu.s informstion follows: Gn our rcturn leg from the Northern Mershall's Radiological Survey, Evie Creichwad end I visited Hajuro to sece with various 7.7. officials. Ouring cur visit, we hed the goo3 fortune to speak with Carieton Havpe and his assistant, Taro Lokobel, who works with Cerleton as iieisan with the Kili people. Hr. Havpe informed us that -45 Bikini people are now living on Ezit Island, Majuro: and that an additional -55 BikiTIsnNk &Xpect to live there after temporary housing is corpleted carly next year. The rensining <0 cr so Bikinians have elected to remain on Hild. Also, the T.7. vezse), Ckrozine Islands will be making fous round trips between Hajuro and Kill between early Novenber and early December to transport construction materials for new housing on Kill. This wild probably be the Jast scheduled transporation to Fali until the winter seas subside in April 1379. We ele6 met with Nepa and Jendrik, two Bikinians who were in Maduro at the tine. Thev indicated to us that a grest deal of apprehension exists among the Bikini people over poresible health effeets frou their stay on Bikini, avd that most of the pedpie WiES to have vi, oa mogy Counts and medice? axsms to allay their fears. Sne creasrest impediment 43 in the logistics problexs of setting the people on Kili who wish to be StEN to som: plese like Najuro or Kwajalein where the facilities can be set up. The following igs a list of options as 1 foresee them for obtaining a second round of whole bosy counts Lefore the Spring, 1979. (2}) WD at Hajuro in February 1979 BEST COPY AVAILABLE This appcsrs toa be the puth cf least resistance et present. We aye tenttatively plansing to €cvetail @ WBC trip to Meguro with the BIL vedical Survey planned for Gid-Jenuary with the nuw DOE wesse], This vessel is prosentiy scheduled to return to ¥wajeteis frac khongelay and Ucisik an Febrosry §, 1979. Ht that point, arrangements could be made to transpora sho MBI trasler and personnel, and madical stafi eerosrs to Maduro wheres toe Eikimnians living on Eizt (and any others who can oet to Majvre) may he SGCC.. The provles a6 thet unless seetpal arrangemunts are made, avout two-thirds of thre reethats WRI still dc on KG, and wall be inactersible due to the wanter Bea Condiiionb. Fergons at Kidi who wash co be seen (and this includes most of the haghert body hurdes: grease Would have te get to Majuro by early Secenber and remain away «ron Yall uniil the waLtér seas sursade an -Apryl. Therefore, timely arrangements will 22 Jad e . . Pea Tee bh e~ Ca *» 6, a. #8 7 . aS —,.-' “a ESh, FE: mae © eee fe TT ay —_ Pr hor aed ? STy a. FET ee ORIOL Tr? . oe Seem ee . or) a vt wnt oeste 3 + we he idee *Fete BaaTelitetata ama otNaee 9 ee aee - ter ACs 2 1