B. W. Churcn, Cniet

Radiological Branch


October 21, 1977
Page -2-


I concur with the first portion of the sentence.
concerning the last portion of the sentence.



See d above

Recommendations - a thru n

I would recommend the following steps be taken to establish a coordinated

program to define the scope of work involved-on Runit.
Step I

- DOE-NV assume technical responsibility for this program and

design a program which would include such detailed defini-

tion as to use of the IMP system, sampling locations,
sampling density, sampling technique, sample analysis, data

reduction and other technical parameters.

In the design of

this program, due consideration should be given to the recom-

mendation of the chairman (conference on Runit cleanup) and
other opinions expressed during the conference.

Included in

this program design should be a proposed schedule and a

commitment of DOE-NV assets to support the program.
Step II

- The program design should be submitted to Commander Joint
Task Group (CJTG) to prepare a detailed operational plan to
accomplish the program. Included in this operation plan

should be a firm schedule and a commitment of existing or
additional resources to accomplish the program.

This operational plan should include a clear assignment of
responsibilities of the various units participating in the
Step III - Execution should commence upon approval of the operational

reo RY. DOE-NV and Field Command Defense Nuclear Agency
Very truly yours ,


gq Flee

’ A. E. Doles
Vice President

AED: igs



Select target paragraph3