

Col. Charles J. Treat



"Situations with soil levels in the 40 to 400 pCi/g
range may receive corrective action ...." (underlining


“Islands with soil levels in the above range may be

divided into two categories, those of sufficient size
for construction of permanent houses, and those that

are not ....

Removal of 239Pu contaminated soil is

better justified within the range above for the larger
islands such as JANET or SALLY where permanent housing
may some day be located and for near surface locations
on the larger islands .... The smaller islands may be
considered of less concern ...."
Note: This is the only place in the guidance where
an indication of relative priorities for cleanup of
contaminated soil is given. The highest priority is
given to larger islands and near surface locations
on Jarger islands.
I made two statements in the meeting that were derived from the

material just quoted:

Cleanup of areas above 400 pCi/g should not be considered

to be any more mandatory than cleanup in the 40 to 400 pCi/g

range once a judgement (case-by-case) has been made that

such cleanup is..justified.

Cleanup of levels above 40 pCi/g on Enjebi should be as high

a priority as cleanup above 400 pCi/g on some small island
like Boken.


I strongly urge that in the implementation and interpretation of the
Task Group recommendations, the impression not be given that cleanup
actions that are to be taken on the basis of case-by-case determinations

in the field are of Tess importance and lower priority than what may

be described as prejudgement actions. We must be equally prepared,
if not more so, to defend case-by-case decisions to perform or not

perform cleanup along with prejudgement decision and actions.


in this context, statements that cleanup of islands with soil concentration above 400 pCi/g is the only mandatory action are in error.

If the requirements for cleanup are to be stated in absotute terms, -

jt must be stated instead that performing case-by-case determinations

for 40 to 400 pCi/g areas is also a firm requirement and, therefore,

mandatory and any associated field determination that an action is

Select target paragraph3