28 Nov 77

Chairman's Report - Conference on Runit Cleanup, 4-5 October 1977

and berm or mound areas. Soil sample depth increment should be 20 cm with
a discrete 5S cm deep sample taken from each 20 cm increment.
Location of
the 5 cm sample within the 20 cm increment to be coordinated between JTG
Local conditions of interest may dictate additional samples or
and ERSP.
change of sample techniques. Such changes are the prerogative of CJTG in
coordination with ERSP, subject to availability of resources,
i. Soil sample analysis should be done by first characterizing samples
by 2 gross exposure rate gamma scan in the ERSP laboratory, if possible
gating for 60 Kevgamma from AM 241, Samples which have very high or very
low levels of contamination, as shown by gamma scan, may be set aside.
The intermediate level samples would require further analysis by gross
alpha count and by additional radio-chemical analysis of approximately
five percent of these selected samples. Variation of these procedures
is the prerogative of CJTG in coordination with ERSP. All samples taken
must be properly identified for possible future analysis in support of
j. Runit characterization soil sample inputs to the ERSP laboratory
must be restricted in order to not interfere with other cleanup operations.
Daily sample input of 50 soil samples can probably be supported without
interfering with other operations.
Final adjustment is the subject of
coordination between JTG and ERSP. Resources allocated to Runit characterization should be adjusted as necessary to maintain work flow without laboratory overload.
k. AS resources permit, transects should be cut through all berms
and mounds on northern Runit. Soil profile samples from such transects
should be taken to radiologically characterize the contents. Soil profile
cuts below the original surface may be required in such transects. This
effort must contribute to cleanup survey and certification as well as
characterization. Such work in the Cactus crater ejecta lip should be
done only as opportune to other necessary operations. Major effort to
characterize this ejecta lip should not be made until extent of entombment

area is better defined,

It is recognized that soil sampling locations indicated on the

Runit data map are only approximate.

Specific coordinates by the local

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grid system are not available,
Locations shown on the Runit data map
are the best presently available and on-site location must be done by
scaling from the map. Coordinate data available has been provided separately.









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