

Annals of
Internal Medicine

Rongelap with the exposed people. This

group makes up our comparison population and is a rather good onesince [1] most

of the people are blood relatives of the

exposed people; [2] they match reasonably
well for age and sex; and [3] they live under
the same environmental conditions.
Now, briefly, what acute effects were

noted? In about 2 weeks the deposit of
fallout material on the skin resulted in the
development of radiation burns that first
appeared as pigmented areas. About 90%
of the people developed these so-called
“beta burns.” These pigmented areas usu-

ally desquamated in a few days leaving raw
depigmented areas, sometimes ulcerations.
Figure 4 shows extensive lesions in a young
boy. Fortunately, most of these burns wer
fairly superficial and healed and repigt
mented within several weeks without any
special treatment. Epilation was noted ir
about 90% of the children and 40% of the
adults. This was spotty in nature. In Figure

5 we see epilation in the temple area of

a young girl. The hair regrew in all of

these people, starting at about 3 months,
and by the end of 6 months it had com-

Ficure 4. Numerous superficial “beta burns” in

a young boy who had little clothing on at time of


Wecarry out annual medical surveys on
these people. The surveys are sponsored by
the Atomic Energy Commission and Brookhaven National Laboratory and are carried
out in conjunction with the Medical Department of the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands. Numerous publications have
described the results of these annual surveys (1-10).
In 1957 the Island of Rongelap was monitored and was pronouncedsafe for habitation, and the people were” moved back.
Figure 3 shows Rongelap Island today with
new construction that is far superior to
what they had previously. Over 200 Rongelap people who were not on theisland at
the time of the accident moved back to

Ficure 5. Epilation in the temporal area of the
scalp of a young girl.

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