

Internal Medicine

around it,,.pyoducing a variety of isotopes.

significant only in relatively short-term fall-

they decay, fequintly in a very confpli-

many years it was not considered to be a
serious hazard. #°I has about 4.5% yield;
it has a 2.5-hr half-life, so it is only im-

Most. # these isotopes are radioactive and

cated way. The average numberof isotopes
in a chain before any-given fission fragment
reaches a stable isotope is through six dif-

There are 4 numberof isotopes of major
biological importance. First, there are two
induc&d_isotopes that should be considered.

14C is a-trivial fission product, but because
of the intense neutron source‘there is a
nifrogen-neutron reaction giving *C. It was

estimated several years ago that.at that time
the amount of *G in the atmosphere was
roughly 70%, greater than before the first
atomic explosion.
2*Na is another isotope that is largely an
induced isotope, and it is of particular im-

portance in underwater blasts or blasts that

are at all close to seawater because of the

sodium in the ocean. Under these conditions, a substantial amount of *4Na, which

has a 14-hr half-life, can be formed, and
in short-term fallout this can be of some

There are three or four other isotopes
that are of importance for several reasons.
Sr, for example, has a 5.3% fission vield;
that is, of 100 atoms of uranium, 5.3 atoms
(if normalized for mass) end up as Sr, so
this is a significant fission product. It also
has a 28-yr half-life so that it will persist
for a long time. Finally, it localizes in bone
so that it can be of importance biologically.
The iodine isotopes are clearly of importance. Let me give a few numberstoillustrate variations in fission yield with the type
of device and the magnitude of release of
radioactive iodine. For *U and_highenergy neutrons as the explosive device,
there is a 4.7% yield of 181. With 785U fission the yield is 3%, and for 78U with
thermal! neutronsit is 2.9%, so that depending on the device there can be a fairly substantial difference in the amount of production of any given isotope; but in each case
181] is an important product. 1I is clearly

out because of its 8-day half-life, and for

portant in very short-term fallout. 183] has

a substantial yield, 6%, and a 21-hr halflife, so it is of some importance over the
course of perhaps a week. 1#5J is another
radioisotope of iodine; this has a 6.7-hr
half-life and is important only for a few

There are some other isotopes from fission explosions that must be considered.
One is 487Cs, which still can be detected
in most exposed individuals in the Marshall
Islands. It is also a potential problem because of relatively long-term storage in,
muscle. Cesium is further worrisome in?
meat eaters such as Eskimos who eat cari-§
bou. There is cerium, which has almost a®

3-yr half-life and a substantial fission yield,
and finally barium.

The amounts ofthese isotopes formed are
perfectly enormous. Just one example: Explosion of a megaton bomb ofthe fission
type produces enough radioactivity so that
if it is evenly distributed over 1,000 square

miles it will give in 1 hr a dose rate of the
order of 1,000 rads/hr. Hence, a 30-min exposure to this amount of radiation would,

in general, be lethal. This is for a 1-megaton bomb, but you may recall that the

Russians exploded a 100-megaton bomb a
few years ago. The explosion to which the
Marshallese were exposed was of the order
of 15 megatons.
The lifetime of these fission products is
very complicated because there are literally
hundredsof isotopes formed, all of different
half-lives. There is, however, an empirical
“rule of 7” that states that at any given
time for the first 8 or 10 days the amount
of radioactivity remaining after a fission
explosion decreases by a factor of 10 after
7 br, by a factor of 10? at 7? hr, and by a
factor of 108 at 78 hr. Therefore, if at 1 hr
there are 100 units of radioactivity, at 7 hr

Select target paragraph3