Late Effects of Radioactive Iodine in Fallout
Combined Clinical Staff Conference at the
National Institutes of Health
Moderator: Jacosn Rossins, M.D., Bethesda, Maryland. Discussants:
JosEPH E. RALL, M.D., PH.D., Bethesda, Maryland, and
RoBErT A. CONARD, M.D., Upton, New York

R. JAcoB Roszins: During the nuclear
D explosion testing in the Pacific Islands
in 1954, a combination of circumstances led
to the accidental exposure of a group of

Marshall Islanders, as well as some U. S.
Navy personnerand the crew of a Japanese
fishing vessel, the Lucky Dragon, to a
rather unusualsort of fallout. In addition
to body surface irradiation that led to skin
burns and general body irradiation from

the surroundings that led to acute radiation
sickness, contamination of food and drink
with radioactive isotopes of iodine produced pathological alterations of the thyroid
gland. Largely through the perseverance of

Dr. Robert A. Conard of the Brookhaven
National Laboratory, the Marshall Island-

ers, both exposed and unexposed, have been
the subjects of thorough, repetitive exami-

Dr. Conard will describe the findings as
they have developed over the ensuing 1
years. He was a memberoftheoriginal expedition dispatched by the Atomic Energy
Commission and the U. S. Navy and thus
can give us a firsthand report of the initial
radiation effects. The major emphasis of
this Conference, however, will be on the
late effects that have become evident only
in the last several years. These observations
highlight a subject that is currently of considerable theoretical and practical impor-

tance—the effects of radiation on the thyroid gland.

The Conference will be opened by Dr.
Joseph E. Rall, Director of Intramural Research, National Institute of Arthritis and
Bas - participated

rican ie

nations by teams of observers sent by the



Atomic Energy Commission.



6 aflji
just returned
a weeks ago|from the

Received March 27, 1967; accepted for publication March 31, 1967.

This is an edited transcription of a combined

clinical staff conference at the Clinical Center, Be-

Poe Parks

thesda, Md., by the National Institute of Arthritis






Health, Public Health Service, U. S. Department of

Health, Education, and Welfare.

Requests for reprints should be addressed to

Jacob Robbins, M.D., Chief, Clinical Endocrinology
Branch, National Institute of Arthritis and Meta-

bolic Diseases, Bidg. 10, Rm. 8-N-315, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. 20014.

-+$)R. JosepH E. Rati: The heat generated

by a, moderate-sized fission explosion generally results ite¢*temapera
“dre order
of 10 million K. The complexity of the
problems associated with fallout generated


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