(At this point Messrs, Johnston, Brown, and Talkin left the meeting,)

Approval of Minutes

(pp. 2-13)

The Commission approved minutes of Meetings 967, 969, 977, and

Sections 1, 2, 4-11, of the minutes of Meeting 983, Section 4 of the
minutes of Meeting 983 was reserved for the Executive Session. The
minutes of Meeting 966 and 982 were also approved with a number of

(At this point Mr. Srapp left the meeting and Mr, McCool entered.)

General Manager's Reports
a, Integration of Oak Ridge High Schools (pp. 13-16)
After discussion of the recent Supreme Court decision
on segregation as it may affect the Oak Ridge schools, the
General Manager said that he would verbally request Mr, Sapizie

to prepare a plan for integration rather than cispaich a forma:
directive at tuis time,
b. Pudtic Sietement on Relocation of Island Residents

and Interview by AP Reporter (pp. 16-19)

After discussion, the General Manager said that if
no serious objection is interposed by the Commander of the
Task Force he will accede to a request of the AP for permis-~-

sion for a reporter to interview the Island resicents.

ce, Ccontaminated Tuna Fish (Dr. Bugher) (pp. 19, 20)
The Director of Biclogy and Medicine reported that
a single contaminated tuna “ish hs. been discovered by the
pezsonne: cf the Sood and Drug Administration in checking

a cargo imported from Japan,

d, Report on Incustrial Foruin Meeting ‘Mr, Tammazo)

(pp, 20-23)

Mr, Tammaro reported on subjects to be dicsussed
by representatives of AEC contrector organizations at the

-23- fion1 Aahigt GFF

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