Sisenhower:, Papers, 1953-6]
{Ann Whitman file)

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ernest ecenenseeees
Pom eces sear eane -

The National Security Council:

Noted the letters from the Departments of State and

Justice on the subject (transmitted by the reference

remoranda of July 30 and August 8, 1957), the recom-

mendations of the NSC Plenning Board thereon (transmitted by the reference memorandum of August 14, 1957),

and the views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (transmitted

by the reference memorandum of August 21, 1957).

Requested the Interdepartmental Committee on In-

ternal Security (ICIS) to develop adequate inter-

nal security procedures for the processing of
ships' personnel seeking temporarily to enter the
United States via Polish vessels.


Agreed that, pending the adoption of such proced-

ures, essential identifying information concerning
such personnel be obtained by the Derartuent of
State at the earliest practicable date, and wherever possible prior to departure of the vessel for
the United States, for the purpose of initiating
checks with the appropriate intelligence agencies
to permit a determination as to the admissibility

of such ships' personnel in edvance of arrival and
thet such personnel, if found admissible by the
Department of Justice under applicable statutes,
be permitted temoorarily to enter the United States.


Deferred action on the recomsendations of the NSC Planning Board end the alternative reccrmendations of the
Joint Chiefs of Steff regarding the anplication to Polish vessels of the port denial provisions of paragraphs

2l-e and -d of NSC 5408, pending further study by the

responsible departments and agencies end further recom-

mendations thereon by the NSC Planning Board.



The action in b-(1) ebove, as approved by the President, subsequently transmitted to the Chairmen, ICIS.
The action in b-(2) above, as approved by the Fresi-

dent, subsequently trensmitted to the Secretary of

Stzte and the Attorney General.


Select target paragraph3