was measured close to Station 180.03. Comparable
transient measurements were made by Project 1.8 at distances af 3,144 and 3,950 feet from
ground zero. The gage records at 3,144 feet registered a maximum downward displacement of
2.66 inches with a residual of 1.16 inches. An early downward movement of 1.94 inches was
registered at 3,950 feet with a residual displacement of 2.70 inches.

oceans Preshet

——— Poeteher


Figure 37 Shot Cactus lip profile.
Additional measurements were made on the cement blocks supporting Pipeline 1131. This
data is also presented in Table 10. These measurements, however, are consideredof little
value since the blocks were supported by X frames anchored into coral or cemented sand at
depths from 20 to 30 feet, and it is suspected that some movementof the blocks was due to the
pipeline being ripped from its mounts.
No evaluation or conclusions are possible from the permanent depression measurements.
There seems to be no correlation with transient displacement measurements where comparison


Select target paragraph3