Department of the Interior


A further step toward the return of the Bikini people was
taken when the President transmitted a budget request of
$1,700,000 for fiscal year 1970 for the cleanup of the atoll,

the construction of housing and a village center for the first
returnees, and the initiation of a replanting program designed
to make the main islands .of Bikini and Enyu once again productive.
The High Commissioner of the Trust Territories has been re-

quested to move forward as rapidly as possible with the resettlement work," Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall said.
Secretary Udall has released a resettlement program prepared
by the High Commissioner of the Trust Territory with the assistance of personnel from the Atomic Energy Commission,

Department and the Department of the Interior.

the Defense

The resettlement

program is the direct result of a survey trip made to Bikini in
late August following the President's announcement that the Bikini
people could be returned.

The survey trip was designed to develop

basic information for planning a resettlement program.
The over-all resettlement of the Bikini people is planned

to be phased over a six-year period, at an estimated cost of

The first step,

and the largest single cost element,

is the clearing of the atoll of test-related debris and the clear-

ing of scrub vegetation to permit replanting of coconuts and cther
food and commercial crops.

Six months are estimated for the cleen-

up phase at a cost of approximately $1,200,000.

Select target paragraph3