Task Unit Muster Officers mustered all personnel of their units
present in the EPG at either Eniwetok or Bikini Atolls, resolved any discrepancies in reported locations, and reported by name to the Atoll Muster

Officer only those personnel of their organizations who were in the danger

area (normally all islands in Eniwetok Atoll except Parry and Eniwetok and
all islands in Bikini Atoll except Enyu). In addition, Task Unit Muster Officera reported the movements of all of their personnel who moved either

into or out of the danger area. When all personnel of the Task Group were
out of the danger area, a report of the compietion of the muster was submitted to CJTF 7 by the TG Muster Officer.

Shots at Bikini Atoll Requiring Evacuation to Ships
1. Muster at both atolls commenced at 1800 on D-l.
2. All personnel at Bikini Atoll were considered to be in the
danger area; therefore, Task Units reported all of their personnel at Bikini
Atoll by name to the Atoll Muster Officer. This muster was conducted and
completed prior to evacuation, and its purpose was to ensure that all persons
listed on the J-1 records as being at Bikini Atoll were accounted for.
3. TG 7.1 had J-1 representatives aboard the USS Boxer, USS

Monticello, and the USNS Ainsworth. Each member of TG 7.1 was mustered
upon boarding. When all personnel listed on the pre-evacuation muater list
were aboard a ship, the muster was completed, and the final muster report

was then submitted by the Task Group Muster Officer to CJTF 7.
e. Shots at Johnston Isiand


Due to the limited ports of entry, the small land area, and the

small number of TG personnel present, muster of personnel for shots at
Johnston Island was a relatively simple matter and was handled differently
from the muster of personnel at Eniwetok and Bikini Atolis. A muster plan
for the conduct of sight-musters at Johnston Island was published July 20,
1958. This plan was very similar to the plan used in the EPG, in that it
established a Task Group Muster Officer, Task Unit Muster Officers, etc.
2. <A pre-evacuation muster of personnel at Johnston was made
as described in b.1 and b.2 above, except that the muster commenced at
1300 on D—1 and was limited to only those personnel on Johnston Island.
The muster was checked against the J-1 records and any discrepancies were
resolved prior to evacuation.
Task Group 7.1 had J-1 representatives aboard the USS Boxer,
and when all personnel to be evacuated were aboard ship the evacuation was
compiete and an evacuation report was submitted by the Task Group Muster
Officer to CJTF 7. A Muster Officer was also appointed for each ship other
than the Boxer. This Muster Officer reported all TG 7.1 personnel aboard
a specific ship by radio to the TG 7.1 Muster Officer aboard the Boxer.
Since a large number of TG personnel remained at Johnston
Island in manned stations, it was necessary to appoint a Muster Officer for
each of these locations. A Manned Station Muster Officer located in the
Command Post was responsible for coordinating the muster of all manned
stations ashore and reporting to CTG 7.1 when all TG personne! were in
safe locations.


When a shot was postponed after the muster was completed, an
attempt was made to retain the validity of the muster if the delay was for
less than 12 hr. Generally if the delay was 12 hr or more a new muster
was conducted.

Select target paragraph3