Water lift from Bikini to Eniwetok for the entire operation totaled

8355 M/T.

Motor Vehicle Transportation. Motor vehicles for Task Group 7.1 arrived at the EPG on January 28 and February 7, 1958, in time for processing
and issue. Processing required approximately 2 weeks; all requested vehicles

except 35 weapons carriers were issued to Task Units by Mareh 1.

In January 1958 the Task Force allocated 306 vehicles for TG 7.1 use.

These were drawn from TG 7.2 by J-4 on memorandum receipt.

is a breakdown of vehicles issued by type and number.

their assignment and location on June 1, 1958.

Table 3.3 indicates

Truck, utility, }ton, M38A1


Truck, cargo, ?-ton, M-37
Truck, stake body, 1$-ton


Truck, cargo, 24-ton, M-35

Truck, tractor, 5-ton, M-52

Truck, decontamination, 24-ton
Trailer, cargo, }ton, M-100
Trailer, water tank, 14-ton, M107A2

Sw bh &

Truck, pickup, 4-ton


The following vehicles were shipped from Eniwetok to Johneton Island
for use during Newsreel:


cargo, 2}ton
stake body, 14-ton
pickup, }on
utility, }ton


Between June 11, 1958 and July 31, as vehicles became excess they
were turned back to J~4 for processing and return to Task Group 7.2. They
were as follows:

Truck, utility, }+ton
Truck, pickup, 4ton
Truck, cargo, }-ton

Trailer, water tank, 1}ton



On final roll-up all vehicles still in the possession of Task Group 7.1
were turned over to H&N for processing and shipment as directed by the
Task Group 7.2 Ordnance Officer.
Maintenance of TG 7.1 vehicles was in accordance with a maintenance

agreement executed on June 11, 1958 between TG 7.2 and TG 7.5.


agreement did not outline in sufficient detail the responsibilities of TG 7.5.
The term "organizational maintenance" was not clear to TG 7.5 and should

have been spelied out in detail. This resulted in vehicles being scheduled
through TG 7.5 shops every 2 weeks for what amounted to a lubrication job.
No system was employed at this time.

Vehicles on various islands of Bikini and Eniwetok were maintained in

similar manner by portable units. Temporary camp sites were in existence
at Yvonne and Janet at Eniwetok Atoll, and Oboe and How at Bikini Atoll.
Some problems in the maintenance of vehicles developed when it became difficult to get project personnel to bring vehicles to the maintenance

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