



49,988 lb

In addition two special MATS flights were completed between Newburgh,
New York, and EPG carrying 46,000 lb of IBM equipment. This equipment

was returned from EPG to Albuquerque, New Mexico, in the same manner,
Tt was ascertained that it would be too expensive to rehabilitate the

liquid nitrogen plant in the CMR Compound and hire trained personnel to
operate it, so in order to supply liquid nitrogen to the scientific groups using

this item, a 6000-liter dewar trailer partly filled was shipped on the Brostom

to Parry.

This large storage dewar was kept filled by semiweekly shipments

from Honolulu by air in 500-liter dewar trailers.

Thirteen thousand liters

of liquid nitrogen were purchased by LASL from Gaspro in Honolulu for air

shipment to Parry.
The liquid hydrogen plant was not put into operation for the same rea-


To meet the requirement for this item one 6000-liter dewar trailer

of liquid hydrogen was shipped by water to Eniwetok just before it was needed. Resupply of this item was not required.


Devices and components were moved to the Forward Area by MATS

special air missions, with the exception of
on the USS Boxer.

which were shipped

were shipped by Task Unit 4 and

the AEC to San Diego for loading on the USS Boxer in mid-February 1958.
The weapons were stowed in a hangar deck shop and in the ship's weapon


Stowage space was guarded by USMC guards.

The USS Boxer

arrived at the Eniwetok Proving Ground on March 3, 1958. An additional
were flown to the EPG on a SAM C-124 which arrived
at the EPG March 13, 1958.
For Operation Newsreel it was necessary to fly the

from Eniwetok to the Waikele branch of NAD, Oahu, by SAM C-124's

as follows: June 15, 1958, units 1 and 4; June 20, 1958, units 2 and 5; June

25, 1958, unit

3, plus 5000 Ib of gear.

The experimental devices from LASL were moved in several ways from
the Laboratory to Travis AFB, which was the aerial port for shipment of
weapons. As a rule small weapons were moved bv Carco C-54 from the
Santa Fe Airport, but if total load did not exceed
they were flown
from the Los Alamos airstrip by C-47. Weapons exceeding the capability

of the C-54 were flown out of Santa Fe by C-124 and in the case of Piron

(UN shot never fired), from Kirtland, on the SAM C-124 which flew the weapon to the EPG via Travis and Hickam.
Experimental devices from UCRL were moved from Livermore to
Travis by truck, with the exception of Poplar, Sycamore, and Pine, which
were picked up at Knoxville, Tenn., by SAM C-124's. UCRL preferred to

Select target paragraph3