study of instrumentation techniques
gather these data in addition to diagnostic measurements of device performance,
Of particular interest to the Department of Defense were the RF at-

tenuation studies, which consisted mainly in recording signal strength from

transmitters carried aloft by rockets to various position in time and space
around the burst points.
Most of the instrumentation was in stations positioned by rockets.
Radiofrequency telemetry and recovery systems were used as means for
gathering data.

In addition, Program 32 provided the warheads and assisted in evalua-

ting the fuzing and firing system.
Program 34. Program 34 included ten Sandia service projects, which
were performed primarily for elements of Task Group 7.1.
Project 34.1 measured the functioning of Zippers and HE transit time
on 29 shots. Also, it tried an experimental early alpha system on 15 LASL
Project 34.2 supplied the device, fuze, and auxiliary systems used to
detonate the DOD-sponsored, balloon-carried Yucca shot.
Project 34.3 procured, assembled, and checked out the devices used in
the underwater DOD shots, Umbrella and Wahoo.
Project 34.4 measured microbarographic blast waves, primarily on
Teak and Orange, but also on most of the other Hardtack shots.
Project 34.5 provided the Zippers and auxiliary system for LASL and
UCRL on 28 shots.
Project 34.6 provided systematic support to UCRL.
Project 34.7 studied the prompt nuclear radiation rate effects on weapon materials and components exposed on the Quince and Fig events.
Project 34.8, 34.9, and 34.10 made measurements on the Quince and
Fig events sufficient to delineate the gamma radiation fallout and to define
a fallout model associated with a
for use with any wind
pattern. This permitted evaluation of militarily significant tntensities and
their limits.


Select target paragraph3