as an integral part of the Bikini timing system.

The installation was com-

pleted and operationally checked out in preparation for the scheduled Teak

and Orange events, With the cancellation of the Teak and Orange events
from the Bikini schedule, it was necessary to remove that part of the timing
system from the Bikini installation.

A redesign of this equipment to provide

for ita independent operation was accomplished in the Forward Area, utilizing

the spare components of the Bikini and Eniwetok timing systems. The system was operationally checked out at Eniwetok prior to its shipment to

Johnston Island.

Late in June 1958 a group of field personnel was sent to Johnston Island

to start field installation of the timing system, which was installed at Station
70 in Building 6002. Preliminary dry runs started on July 10. Dry runs
and special rehearsal tests were continued throughout the Teak and Orange

A world time rack identical to that used at EPG on the Hardtack series

was included in the design of the Johnston timing system to record actual
zero time with respect to WWVH. This measurement was obtained through
the use of a 10-kce oscillator, driving the world time clock, synchronized to
WWVH and located in the control room. The initial flash of the detonation

triggered a fiducial marker on the roof of the CP. This in turn stopped
the clock and produced a photographic record of the clock face at zero time.
Voice-time announcements were made from a script by the timing system control operator, referencing the timing sequence indicators. These
announcements were transmitted to the remote stations on 153.89 Mc, 243 Mc,
7411 ke, and 1468 ke,

In order to transmit timing signals to the two RB-36 experimenter

stations, a radio timing system was provided. This system was synchronized |
to the master timing system and transmitted various tone frequencies to

radio receivers located aboard the RB-36's, which in turn activated equip-

ment at the station.
Both ac and de type Blue Boxes were used on both events to provide
experimenters with a zero signal of millisecond accuracy.
The following timing signal sequence was provided for the Task and
Orange events:


-—60 min

-—60 min

~30 min
-15 min
-5 min
—170.3 sec, lift off
—165.0 sec
—151.4 sec

—30 min
—15 min
—-5 min
~153.8 sec, Lift off
—145 0 sec
—110.0 sec

-137.2 sec

—98.0 sec

—131.6 sec
—76.2 sec
—70.0 sec
~66.6 sec


—60.0 sec
—57.8 sec

-~40.6 sec
—15.0 sec

~—51.4 sec

—~5.0 sec


Select target paragraph3