D-—days, using a different procedure by operating from Fred between shots

ia not practical.

c. Regularly scheduled flights to the scientific stations should
be maintained through all —1 days and should be resumed again on shot days
as soon as the Rad-Safe survey and recovery missions are completed.


The operational limitations of the agency providing light air-

craft and helicopter support should be established prior to the operation.

Then the operation should be planned within the limitations of the support
agency or another agency should be selected which can provide the support


The using agency should not be required to justify its re-

quirements to the supporting agency. If justification is required, then requests for support should be routed through JTF 7, which should make the
approved requests directive on the supporting agency.

Motor Vehicles - All details on the maintenance of vehicles, including

spare parts, should be worked out between TG 7.2 and TG 7.5 prior to the
start of the operation. Spare parts should be on hand and available for use
no later than the arrival of vehicles at the proving ground,
J-4 Section, Logistics and Supply. The following recommendations
are made by J-4 as a result of occurrences in Operation Hardtack. Some
attention and correction along the lines indicated would improve future opera-~

It is felt that the appointment of an APA with contacts in each Task

Group did not improve the system in effect on previous operations. Actually
it placed one more layer of administration between the users of a necessary
service and the operators of that service. It is strongly recommended that
the APA office be eliminated entirely and that authorized people from 7.1 and
other goups contact the Air Force directly for the services coordinated on

Hardtack by the APA

The cargo service on MATS was very bad during the formative stage
of the operation. It certainly improved after the incident of the C-124 that
sat on Johnston Island for a week, but it should be possible to get better
service throughout the operation without having to wait for a near calamity
to occur before the necessary steps are taken to ensure the kind of service
After the many difficulties encountered in connection with purchases
through ship's stores made by individuals who expected to be in the Forward
Area, it would appear that such purchasing practices should be discontinued.
Furthermore, it is apparent that some of the people who expected to be at
Eniwetok during the operation did not get there, yet took advantage of purchases through ship's stores even though they had not qualified themselves
to make such imports. The actual cases of difficulty came about in receipt,
storage, and disposition of the materials received with possible ensuing financial Liabilities, also by obvious and flagrant disregard for customs regulations in having materiala imported for people who had not been an integral
part of the Pacific operation.


Select target paragraph3