The objectives of the security and public information programs for Operetion IVY and the mensures taken to achieve those

objectives were revicwed in detail.
papers of the AEC 483 Series)

(See AEC 483/27 and previous

The yquestionsof whether censoring

or delaying the dispatch of mail of persons engaged in the
operation or delaying their return to the mainland after the
first shot would have been helpful were discussed.
The present status of the sccurity and public reporting

programs and of the psychological strategy plan were next considered,and the cxtent to which those programs had been affected

by publication of lotters written by JTF-132 personne] and by
other unauthorized statements.
On the subject of vitiation of the psychological strategy
plan, Mr. Salisbury caid that unquestionably considerable harm
had been donc which it would be difficult,

if not impcssible, to

It remained to determine what steps might be taken to

prevent further damuge.

On the subject of the timing and contents

of the public announcement to be made after the second (KING) shot,
My. Smyth suggested that the only advantage in delaying the
énnouncement would be that such « procedure might reduce the
probability of successful long-range detection.
that if the announcement were held up,

He pointed out

the departure of personnel

end observers from the test site would also hive to be delayed,

and that it would be necessary to postpone both the departures
and the announcement for 2 period of weeks in order to achieve
what would probably prove to be a very small gain or none at all.
Mr. Zuckert said he,

too, belicved that the possibility of lessen-

ing the chances of sucecssful detection by delaying the announccment scomed slight.

Select target paragraph3