
§ Mar 1964


The ship then procezded to Ailinginae Atoll,

‘The Maogistrato

believed it possible that a party was on Enibuk Island. A party was
landed, conducted a thorough search but found no ono. Tho ship remained in the vicinity of Enibuk while the two whale boats procoodod
to Sifo Island. A sloop was sightod anchored in the lagoon off Sifo

Island. The party landed and John the Magistrate onco again explained
the need for leaving Rongelap. Eighteen (18) Marshallese wore transported from this island. Both this group, and John, assured tho party
that there were no Marshallese on any of the othor islands and the
evacuation was considored complsted. The sloop was anchored off tho

island in a good lee,

The same procedures for handling the 18 cvacucos

from Sifo were followed as dascribad in the preceeding paragraphs.

16, Ths PHILIP departed from Ailinginae at 1800M on 3 March and arrived
at the Naval Station Kwajalein at O830M on 4 March. The Marshallaso
were disembarked during the morning of 4 March ond removed to the Naval


On arrival, tho PHILIP was visited by Commander, Naval

Station, Kwajalein, and represontatives of Commander Joint Task Force


17. In spite of the willingness of tho people to lvuave their homes
thera was understandable concern over the safety of the two sloops left

behind at Rongelap and Sifo,

Thase boats aro a community assot for

hauling copra and returning tho basic food staples,

medicines and

clothing during the period that Trust Territory ficld trip ships are
not available, Thero was a considerable amount of copra in a drying
shed on Eninetok ond a smallur omount on Sifo.
It was most disheartcning
ta the Magistrate to leave the copra behind since he himsolf had prepared
the copra on Eniastok last week. All livestock, including about one
hundred chickens end ten pigs were abandoned on Rongelap. Two dogs wore
also left on the island, Since the people wore not given an estimate of
the duration of their cvacuction, the concem over the above items will
no doubt increase as the absence from thcir homes grows longer.
18, It is recommended that aircraft periodically oheck the condition
of the two sloops at Rongelap and Sifo, It is further recommonded that
some consideration be given to the transfer of livestock, copra and
personal belongings on Rongelap, Sifo, Eniaetok,. There is a possibility
thet these animals could be of much value for scientific research.
19. The Marshallese wero excollent passengers, most cooperativo, nover
demanding and exemplary in conduct, It was a distinct pleasure for tho
crew of the PHILIP to have been afforded the opportunity to assist those
quiet peoplo in the evacuatipggadassified
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