Core uf Fiewt Post Orrace
Sen Francisco, Curr ornig
DDE 498: VLM: GWA: wk

5 Mar 1954

Commanding Officer
Commander, Task Group 7,3


Evacuation of Rongelap and Ailinginae Atolls on 3 March 1954;
report of


{8} COMTASKGROUP 7.3 Disp 0208482 of March 1954



b) COM JTF SEVEN Disp 0212252 of March 1954



Passenger lists of evacuees from Rongelap and Ailinginae

Radiological statistics reported by monitor teams, Rongel p
and Ailinginae Atolls

Location of water cisterns, Rongelap Island

In compliance with reference (a), the PHILIP got underway from

Bikini at 2145M on 2 March and arrived and anchored off Rongelap Island

in the lagoon at 0O730M on 3 March,

A PBM-5A (VP-29) aircraft, No. 2085,



piloted by LCDR WELCH which previously had been dispatched from Kwajalein
anchored about 100 yards off the beach of the same island shortly before

the PHILIP anchored,

Prior to anchoring, the PBM, in good radio com-

munication with the PHILIP, made a thorough reconnaissance flight around
the atoll.

Also on departure the previous evening, the Commanding

Officer of the PC 1546 offered much valuable navigational and general
information which was of great help to the PHILIP.
2. The beach party including the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer,
Radiological Safety Officer and a three man monitoring team proceeded
from the PHILIP in a motor whale-boat to the PBM and picked up Mr. Marion

WILDS, civilian representative of the Civil Administration Unit, Marshalls

Trust Territories of Pacific Islands, and Oscar DeBrum, Marshallese interpreter. The beach was such as to allow an easy close-in landing with~

out danger to the boat,

3. The party was met at the beach by John, the Magistrate of Rongelap.
Monitoring of the island commenced immediately, On the basis of initial
readings it appeared obvious that evacuation was definitely in order.
The Commanding Officer, U.S.S. PHILIP presented Mr, Wilds with the general picture based on monitoring information, and on being informed that
Commander Joint Task Force SEVEN had stated that the aotual evacuation
should be reauested by trust territory officials, Mr. Wilds was very
emphatic regarding the need for evacuation. Through the interpreter
Dop PIR 5200.19





-POD pig 5;




Select target paragraph3