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San Francisco, California


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S .: 049
20 iar 54

Commanding Officer


Commmder Task Group 7.3


Radsafe Survey 8-11 March 1954

1. The Task Group 7.1 survey party and Mr, Marion Vilds, trust Territory
representative, arrived Rongelep at 0745i', 8 Merch and boarded NICHOLAS
shortly thereafter, ‘forking parties, as indicated in Comiandor Joint Task
Force SEVEN disprtch 060400Z, wore made available to Dr, Scoville's party.
Dr, Scoville informed the Commanding Officer that all reports of gama
intensitites ond other scientific data would be reported only to Commander
Joint Task Force SEVEN. He specifically requested that no other commands
be made information addressee, Daily déspatches indicating results of
RadSaf: survey on each atoll, originated by Dr. Scoville, were addressed
accordingly. On debarking st Sniwetok at 0830, 12 March Dr. Scovillo'ts
party tr-nsported all earth and water samples to Parry Islnd.
2, The following islands, in atolls, were visited. ‘Mr, “ilds accompanied
working parties ashore on all ex-inhabitated islands where native property
was secured as directod by him.


Rongelop Atoll; 8 and 11


“arch 1954:

(1) Rongelap Island:

(e) Native houses were closed up and property loft in the

open, that could be ruined by weather, was moved inside,

(bd) One dog and three cats were killed as possiblo menace

to livestock,


One thirty foot soiling schooner wes beached above high


Two sacks of rice ond five sacks of flour were opened c.nd


Buckets, p-ns ond large clom shells were placed under

woter mark and filled with sea water.
2 shed nlong with sails.

Masts were unshipped and placed in

placed outside as feed for pigs and chickens,

eaves of houses to provide drinking water for livestock,





Select target paragraph3