
as the site since it lacks sufficient land surface for the instrumentation

necessary to the scientific ctservaticns which must be made.

Of other possible

sites Enivetok has the fewest inhabitants to be cared for, approximately 145,
and, whet is very; important from a radiolorical standpoint, it is isclated and
there are hundreds of miles cf open seas in the direction in which winds might

earry radioactive varticles.
Conetreetion will be supported thrcourch whe Heweiian Islands, Johnston

ne cermanent trensfer elsewhere of the Island people now living on
foron end RBiijiri Islands in nixetok Atoll will be necessary.

They are not

now living in their cririnal ancestral homes but in vemocrary structures

provided for them on the two foreroing Islands tc which they were moved by
States Forces during the war in the Pacific, after they had scattered




tnrourhout the 2t il to avcid beinr cressed into laber service b>
Japanese and fcr protection arainst? militery operations,


The sites fcr the

econcernei will be reimbursed for lands utilized and wiAd be cliven every


re surfject to dancer; also that trose few inha itants who will
move will underso the rinimunm of inconvenience.


The construction vro-ram which is being undertaken by the armed forces

for the Comrissicn, will c onsist of the installation of cornJete facilities,
includinzs housing, utilities, commenications, protective structures,

Select target paragraph3